Google Earth Overlays
These are .kmz files which overlay map images onto Google Earth.
You can either double-click them to open up Google Earth, or while Google Earth
is open.
You may have to click on an 'open' option, and may have to click a file called 'loc.kml'
to get it all to open.
It may take a little while for the overlay to load, but I have not been having
problems. - David
Atlanta geology, geography, and history
The 2003 Atlanta geological map*
shaded relief map overlay for the geological map
GoogleEarthOverlays/CW_Dekalb_ver2.kmz Civil War Era map of Dekalb County routes of Union soldiers
Clarkston 1939 aerial photo from Montreal Woods to Memorial Drive
Stone Mountain in 1960 before the lake. Image is lined-up to roads, perspective
is slightly different on top of mountain.